Ojas in wonderland of science Part - 7

Ojas in wonderland of science Part - 7

Before going to explore molecule building process, Ojas thought of fighting with false advertisers, who were stealing electrons from ignorant energy mothers of atoms. He remembered the false promises in the advertisements.

1. “Welcome new atoms. There is a best food for you. We can increase your weight .”
2. “ Touch stone parlor. We can change iron atoms to gold atoms.”
3. “ Make your atoms smart by using our magic mantra’

He prepared himself with necessary scientific information for fighting such false propaganda.

When he reached the magic science school, he expressed his desire on the tab that he wishes to expose the false propaganda of the advertisers. There was a reply from school management. “ Please be careful. If advertisers realize that they are unable to prove their claims, they may use some dirty techniques to drive you out.”

Ojas asked “ They are just molecules? What they can do to me?”

The reply came “ No. Don’t take them lightly. They are agents of some religious miracle makers. Unfortunately, your login information has got leaked and they know your religion. They may send some Villain characters from religious stories you have read to frighten you. “

Ojas replied “ I am brave. I can fight with them. I am Karate expert. I also have a new sword recently purchased”

There was a reply “ Oh ! Good. However your karate belt and sword are left back in your real life. Ofcourse, you can generate them in this dream world, if you remember them any time. ”

They gave him a special goggle to view the inner mechanisms of machines used by those advertisers.

Ojas advanced to shop claiming weight increase for atoms He knew that weight of any material on moon surface is less than weight measured on earth surface and the reason was less gravitational force of moon .

As expected they were playing the same gimmick with atoms. They were artificially increasing gravity force on atom by concentrating strong magnetic field so that atoms felt themselves heavier. He switched off the magnetic field enhancer. Now there was no change in weight. Disillusioned energy mothers waiting for the service left the shop. The advertiser molecules got suspicious of Ojas and followed him in secrecy.

With same vigor he progressed to second shop. There were some gold atoms put on the show for attracting iron atoms. There were also photos of King Midas and shining touchstone. He knew that iron atoms due to black color absorb all light waves. He saw that there was a mechanism of creating artificial electron shield around the iron atom to reflect yellow light, which made them appear yellow instead of their black color.

In the third shop, there was some audio clip of magic mantra which was creating ultrasonic sound waves causing heating and vibration of atoms giving them the feeling of smartness.

He explained the tricks being followed by them and asked school management to close all the shops with security robots. As he gave these instructions on tab, the spy molecules sent alarm signal to their head quarters.

Suddenly there was loud noise in the environment and a big monster attacked Ojas from nowhere. He resembled monsters attacking Ram and Krishna in religious stories. His Karate skill helped him at this juncture. He jumped up sideways swiftly and escaped the capture. He remembered his sword. In a fraction of moment, he was with shining new sword in his hand. He raised his hand and hit the monster fiercely with his sword. Wounded monster ran back promising never to come back. Ojas teared off the advertisement boards with his sword.

He asked school management to put up board with following facts to prevent such attempts by so called miracle makers.

Don’t get deceived by false promises.
Please remember that -

1. Atomic weight depends on the number of protons and neutrons present in the nucleus of atom and for every element it is fixed.

2. Iron ( Fe) has 26 protons and 30 neutrons and its atomic weight is 56. Gold ( Au) has protons 79 and neutrons 118 and has atomic weight of 197. Hence iron atom cannot be changed to gold atom by touchstone.

3. Increased vibration due to rise in temperature is temporary and does not change property of atom.

The school management thanked Ojas for destroying false miracle makers and presented him a picture album of their science school which included heroic fight of Ojas with Monster sent by false miracle makers.